To search for a file, type the text to search for in the Search Box on the main screen, or press the Search Button and a Search Prompt will appear. Type a key word, such as "modem" and all of the file descriptions containing the key word, "modem" will be displayed.
\BViewing a File\b
To view a file, select a file using Search or by selecting from the Main Window. Press the View Button or select View from the menu. The file will be displayed in the View Window.
\BRunning a Program\b
Some of the files on the CD are executable programs. On the Test Area page, press the View/Run button or double click on executable file to run.
\BCopying a File\b
To copy a file from the CD, select a file in one of the list boxes. Press the Copy Button or select Copy from the menu.
A prompt will appear asking for a destination drive and sub-directory to copy the file to. The destination directory will be created if it does not yet exist. Press OK to copy the file.
\BPrinting a File\b
To print a file, select a file in the Test Area List Box. Press the Print Button or select Print from the menu.
\BUnZIPping a File\b
All of the files on the CD are "zipped" (a type of file compression). To "Unzip" these files, press the Unzip button, or use the menu.
\BPopping Up Menus with the Right Mouse Button\b
Many sections of the CDMenu program have popup menus that are accessed by pressing the right mouse button while the mouse pointer is hovering over a section. The popup menu will display command relating to the section of CDMenu the mouse was hovering over.
\BUse the Right Mouse button to access popup menus.\b
\BFile Popup Menu\b
Place Bookmark: Bookmarks the highlighted file
UnZip: UnZIPs the highlighted file
Copy: Copies the highlighted file
Ramove All: Removes bookmarks from files in all files sections
\BTest Area Popup Menu\b
View/Run: Displays or executes the highlighted file
Print: Prints the highlighted file to the default printer
Copy: Copy the highlighted file
Unzip: Unzips the highlighted file
Select: Selects (highlights) all files for copying or deleting
Delete All: Deletes all files in the test area
Remove: Deletes all files in the test area and removes the test area directory